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Resultados de búsquedas

Lamm , Ehud
Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9780429138546
Polansky , Alan M.
Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9780429149269
Kupper , Lawrence
Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9780429109010
Chow , Shein-Chung
Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9780429063497
Shi , Jian Qing
Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9780429151064
Husson , Francois
CRC Press
ISBN: 9780429190032
MacCuish , John David
CRC Press
ISBN: 9780429131301
Hettmansperger , Thomas P.
CRC Press
ISBN: 9780429131103
Cheung , Ying Kuen
Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9780429138744
Brooks , Steve
Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9780429138508