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Resultados de búsquedas

Chow , Shein-Chung
Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9781315183084
Pereira-Maxwell , Filomena
CRC Press
ISBN: 9781315117317
Berger , Vance
Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9781315305110
Lawson , Andrew B.
Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9781351271769
Taniguchi , Masanobu
Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9781315117355
Coffey , Todd
Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9781315120034
Watanabe , Sumio
Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9781315373010
Fu , Wenjiang
Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9781315117874
Pfeiffer , Ruth M.
Chapman and Hall/CRC
ISBN: 9781315117539
Fournier , Ronald L.
CRC Press
ISBN: 9781315120478